News & Events

Montana, North Dakota Push Against Washington State Rail Law

July 18, 2019 - Attorneys general for North Dakota and Montana asked the Trump administration on Wednesday to overrule a Washington state law that imposed new restrictions on oil trains from the Northern Plains to guard against explosive derailments. In a legal petition to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and North...

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Attorney General Aaron Ford joins multi-state settlement against data breach

July 12, 2019 - Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford and 29 other attorneys general announced a filed settlement that requires a health insurance company to pay $10 million to resolve claims about its failure to secure consumer date. According to a statement from Ford's office, Premera Blue Cross, based in the pacific northwest, had insufficient data...

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U.S. states urge CFPB not to dilute rule that limits bank overdraft fees

July 2, 2019 - The attorneys general of New York and 23 other states plus Washington, D.C. have urged the Trump administration not to roll back a decade-old federal rule that limits the ability of banks to charge overdraft fees when customers spend more than they have in their accounts. In a letter to Kathy Kraninger, director of the Consumer Financial...

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Attorney General Raoul Announces New Crackdown on Illegal Robocalls

June 25, 2019 - Attorney General Kwame Raoul, in cooperation with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), today announced a major crackdown on illegal robocalls. The sweep includes 94 actions targeting operations around the country that are responsible for more than 1 billion calls pitching a variety of products and services, including credit card interest...

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State Attorneys General Demand Congress Act to Secure 2020 Elections

June 18, 2019 - A group of 23 Democratic state attorneys general demanded Tuesday that Congress take steps to strengthen election security ahead of 2020’s elections. In an urgent letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Senate Rules Committee, the group outlined proposals it wants Congress to act on to secure election systems before next...

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State AGs Sue to Block T-Mobile-Sprint Merger

June 11, 2019 - A group of 10 state attorneys general led by New York's Tish James and California's Xavier Becerra is suing to block the $26 billion merger between T-Mobile and Sprint, putting pressure on President Donald Trump's Justice Department, which is still reviewing the deal. The deal would kill jobs and harm consumers, the AGs said in a statement...

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Bipartisan Attorneys General Ask Gov. Kim Reynolds to Veto Iowa AG Power-Limits Bill

May 15, 2019 - Current and former attorneys general from both major parties and several states are imploring Iowa's Republican governor to veto a measure meant to prevent the state's attorney general, currently a Democrat, from being able to file or join lawsuits challenging Trump administration policies. Iowa would be the only state with such limits on...

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38 Attorneys General Ask Congress to Bring Marijuana Money into Banking System

May 9, 2019 - The attorneys general of 38 states and territories sent a letter to congressional leaders on Wednesday, urging them: Please, let us bank the money generated by the country's booming cannabis business. Most states and several U.S. territories have legalized medical marijuana, and 10 states and the District of Columbia have legalized adult...

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Bruning Law Group’s

Events & Programs

2023 AGA Annual Meeting: An Ethics Conversation With the “Wise Ones” Panel

Bruning Law Group Partner Katie Spohn participated in a panel of former Deputy Attorneys General at the June 2023 Attorney General Alliance Annual Meeting in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. She was joined by Paul Connell (WI), Stephen Cobb (VA), and Kyle George (NV) to discuss Attorney Generals’ Offices’ opinions and ethical guidelines.

Bruning Lecture Series: District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine

District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine spoke at this year’s Attorney General Jon Bruning Lecture Series at the University of Nebraska College of Law. AG Racine’s presentation, “Using the Law in Public Interest,” discussed his nearly 30-year legal and leadership career and how current and aspiring lawyers can use the law to uplift vulnerable residents.

The Bruning Lecture Series offers students an opportunity to consider the significance of dedicating one’s legal career, wholly or in part, to public service.