News & Events

GOP Lawsuit Takes Aim at Affordable Care Act Again

February 27, 2018 - Twenty Republican state attorneys general are seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act in a lawsuit that argues the law is unconstitutional now that Congress has repealed its tax-based penalty on individuals who don’t have health insurance. The lawsuit, filed this week in federal district court in the Northern District of Texas,...

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Attorneys General in Several States Oppose Federal Tips Plan

February 6, 2018 - Attorneys general in over a dozen states oppose a federal Department of Labor proposal to let employers control the tips of some hourly employees. The attorneys general filed comments in opposition with federal officials on Monday. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan called the proposal that rescinds a 2011 rule "outrageous" and...

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Attorneys General Urge Offshore Drilling Plan’s Cancellation

February 1, 2018 - The top lawyers for a dozen coastal states want the U.S. Interior Department to cancel the Trump administration’s plan to expand offshore drilling, warning it threatens their maritime economies and natural resources. The attorneys general, all Democrats, wrote Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke on Thursday about his agency’s proposed...

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Kentucky Attorney General Sues National Opioid Distributor

January 22, 2018 - There are just over 38,000 people living in Floyd County, among the mountains of eastern Kentucky. Yet between 2010 and 2016, a San Francisco-based pharmaceutical distributor shipped more than 18 million doses of opioid painkillers there, enough for each person to have 477 pills each. Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear says that was...

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Flurry of Lawsuits Filed to Fight Repeal of Net Neutrality

January 16, 2018 - The legal fight against the Federal Communications Commission’s recent repeal of so-called net neutrality regulations began on Tuesday, with a flurry of lawsuits filed to block the agency’s action. One suit, filed by 21 state attorneys general, said the agency’s actions broke federal law. The commission’s rollback of net neutrality rules...

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Federal Judge Invites States to Discuss Opioid Crisis

January 11, 2018 - A federal judge who's overseeing lawsuits from around the country against the pharmaceutical industry has invited state attorneys general to join discussions and provide input. Judge Dan Polster in Cleveland is overseeing a consolidated case involving dozens of suits filed by communities against drugmakers and drug distributors. Polster...

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Paxton, Other Attorneys General Reach $45M Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement

January 3, 2018 - Attorney General Ken Paxton and 48 other attorneys general reached a $45 million settlement Tuesday with PHH Mortgage Corporation for improperly serviced mortgage loans, according to a press release from Paxton's office. The settlement stipulates PHH must follow certain mortgage servicing standards, run audits and furnish audit results....

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Bruning Law Group’s

Events & Programs

2023 AGA Annual Meeting: An Ethics Conversation With the “Wise Ones” Panel

Bruning Law Group Partner Katie Spohn participated in a panel of former Deputy Attorneys General at the June 2023 Attorney General Alliance Annual Meeting in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. She was joined by Paul Connell (WI), Stephen Cobb (VA), and Kyle George (NV) to discuss Attorney Generals’ Offices’ opinions and ethical guidelines.

Bruning Lecture Series: District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine

District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine spoke at this year’s Attorney General Jon Bruning Lecture Series at the University of Nebraska College of Law. AG Racine’s presentation, “Using the Law in Public Interest,” discussed his nearly 30-year legal and leadership career and how current and aspiring lawyers can use the law to uplift vulnerable residents.

The Bruning Lecture Series offers students an opportunity to consider the significance of dedicating one’s legal career, wholly or in part, to public service.