Texas AG Ken Paxton joins opposition for new EPA regulations

August 12, 2022



August 12, 2022 – Ken Paxton joined in on a multi-state letter to the Environmental Protection Agency objecting to the potential adoption of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for greenhouse gases.

Attorneys General from 19 states, including Texas, submitted a letter addressed to Michael S. Regan, Administrator of the EPA, opposing air quality standards under the Clean Air Act (CAA) that the multistate coalition describes as “equal parts imprudent and legally flawed.” The letter comes not one month after the Supreme Court officially rebuked the EPA for overstepping the boundaries of its oversight in curbing powerplant emissions.

According to a news release from the Texas Attorney General, the campaign to adopt NAAQS “disregards entirely the consequences of its suggested approach for the nation’s economy and industrial capacity. The Supreme Court’s decision this summer marks the second time the Court has rebuked the EPA for novel interpretations of the CAA specifically that would give the agency ‘unheralded’ power to regulate a ‘significant portion of the American Economy.’”

The Environmental Protection Agency was founded on December 2, 1970, during the Nixon Administration. According to Usa.gov, the agency’s function is to protect people and the environment from significant health risks, sponsor and conduct research, and develop and enforce environmental regulations.

By Lukas Weyrauch, KLTV
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