April 30, 2021 - Attorney General Ashley Moody, working with state and federal partners, is securing $300 million following a nationwide investigation. Attorney General Moody’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit worked with the U.S. Department of Justice and other state MFCUs to investigate allegations that Indivior plc. and Indivior Inc., d/b/a Indivior, falsely...
Carr Joins Coalition of 20 Other Attorneys General Asking Biden to Abandon Court-Packing
April 22, 2021 - A multistate coalition of 20 attorneys general today wrote to President Joe Biden and congressional leaders to voice strong concerns, and opposition to, the recent steps towards packing the U.S. Supreme Court. Judicial independence is a core tenet of our judicial system and the bulwark upholding our rights and liberties. Recent actions by...
AG Racine Leads Bipartisan Coalition of 22 AGs Calling On Congress To Fund Modernization of State Systems for Sealing and Expungement of Criminal Records
April 12, 2021 - Attorney General Karl A. Racine (D-DC) and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R-AZ) today co-led a bipartisan coalition of 22 attorneys general urging Congress to provide federal funds for state systems and technology upgrades needed to seal and expunge criminal justice records. These funds could help some of the nearly 70 million...
Censorship investigation of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter launched by Indiana Attorney General
April 7, 2021 - Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has launched an investigation into whether five tech companies have engaged in business practices that are “abusive, deceptive and/or unfair.” Rokita made the announcement of the investigation Wednesday morning and indicated he’ll determine if Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter potentially...