News & Events

AG Racine Leads Bipartisan Coalition of 22 AGs Calling On Congress To Fund Modernization of State Systems for Sealing and Expungement of Criminal Records

April 12, 2021 - Attorney General Karl A. Racine (D-DC) and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R-AZ) today co-led a bipartisan coalition of 22 attorneys general urging Congress to provide federal funds for state systems and technology upgrades needed to seal and expunge criminal justice records. These funds could help some of the nearly 70 million...

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Iowa among 13 states suing Biden administration over stimulus bill rules

April 1, 2021 - Attorneys general from 13 states sued President Joe Biden’s administration on Wednesday over a rule in the federal stimulus that bars states from using relief money to offset tax cuts. The filing in U.S. District Court in Alabama asks judges to strike down the provision in the wide-ranging relief act signed by Biden that prohibits states...

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Ohio AG part of multistate settlement to shut down illegal robocall operation

March 4, 2021 - Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, along with 38 other states, is shutting down an illegal robocall operation that used veterans, children and first responders to deceptively solicit $110 million in donations. The money was collected through a massive robocall operation by Associated Community Services, also known as ACS. ACS made 1.3 billion...

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Bruning Law Group’s

Events & Programs

2023 AGA Annual Meeting: An Ethics Conversation With the “Wise Ones” Panel

Bruning Law Group Partner Katie Spohn participated in a panel of former Deputy Attorneys General at the June 2023 Attorney General Alliance Annual Meeting in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. She was joined by Paul Connell (WI), Stephen Cobb (VA), and Kyle George (NV) to discuss Attorney Generals’ Offices’ opinions and ethical guidelines.

Bruning Lecture Series: District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine

District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine spoke at this year’s Attorney General Jon Bruning Lecture Series at the University of Nebraska College of Law. AG Racine’s presentation, “Using the Law in Public Interest,” discussed his nearly 30-year legal and leadership career and how current and aspiring lawyers can use the law to uplift vulnerable residents.

The Bruning Lecture Series offers students an opportunity to consider the significance of dedicating one’s legal career, wholly or in part, to public service.